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Hospitals & Institutions
PR: 7
| Mayo Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org Nov 2, 2014 Provides information on medical and surgical services, job opportunities, volunteering, physician referrals and health information along with the links of its three hospitals. |
PR: 7
| Medicare.gov: Hospital Compare http://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare/search.html Nov 2, 2014 Compare hospitals in United States with national averages in their treatment of the three medical conditions of heart attack, heart failure, and pneumonia. |
PR: 6
| American Hospital Directory http://www.ahd.com Oct 28, 2014 Provides data and statistics about more than 6,000 hospitals nationwide. |
PR: 6
| Shriners Hospitals for Children https://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org Oct 28, 2014 Provides specialized care to children with orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate, regardless of the families’ ability to pay. It also educates physicians and other healthcare professionals. |
PR: 6
| Hospital-Data.com http://www.hospital-data.com Nov 2, 2014 Provides details of thousands of hospitals, medical clinics and nursing homes. |
PR: 3
| World Association of Eye Hospitals http://www.waeh.org Oct 28, 2014 The global association of eye hospitals established in 2007 in the Netherland. All member-hospitals are focusing on delivering the best and most safe ophthalmic care worldwide. |
PR: 1
| Metro Male Clinic http://www.metromaleclinic.com Nov 3, 2014 A Chennai, India based men’s clinic specialized in male fertility and sexual health. Online resources about male fertility and sexual health along with blog are also featured. |