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Africa (7)Asia (11)Caribbean (5)Europe (7) | Middle East (3)North America (6)Oceania (6)South America (8) |
PR: 7
| City Population http://www.citypopulation.de Sep 27, 2014 Offers population statistics and maps of major cities, agglomerations and administrative divisions for all countries of the world. |
PR: 7
| Eldis http://www.eldis.org Sep 27, 2014 Offers free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. |
PR: 7
| NationMaster.com http://www.nationmaster.com Sep 27, 2014 Allows visitors to compare countries based on any given statistics. By using a form, anyone can get maps and graphs on all kinds of statistics with ease. |
PR: 6
| Nations Online http://www.nationsonline.org Sep 27, 2014 A website that promotes cultural interactions between all nations of the world. A directory of the world’s nations, cultures and a destination guide for the world’s most important places. |
PR: 6
| CountryReports http://www.countryreports.org Jan 11, 2016 Browse reports on a variety of different countries. View information on the country's history, statistics and culture. |
PR: 6
| World-Information.org http://world-information.org Jan 11, 2016 A source of information on the one week program of events addressing various global issues. |
PR: 6
| EarthCam http://www.earthcam.com Jan 11, 2016 Offers the most comprehensive search engine of internet cameras from around the world. |
PR: 6
| Greenwich Mean Time http://www.greenwichmeantime.com Jan 11, 2016 Online guide to time zones, including daylight savings time and world time zone information. |
PR: 5
| GlobalTower.com http://globaltower.com Sep 27, 2014 Features list of world countries providing nation specific links including online business sources, travel guides, governments, historical and cultural information, news, weather services, maps, financial resources and local search engines. |
PR: 4
| World City Photo Archive http://www.worldcityphotos.org Jan 11, 2016 Offers a variety of photos for every country worldwide. |
| Witsa http://witsa.org Jan 11, 2016 A source of information on the World Information Technology and Services Alliance. Includes news, publications and upcoming events. |